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  • Adult Rating:
  • File Size: 0 bytes
  • Developer:
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS or later.




  • Improved but still needs work

    By Want no nickname
    It’s usable. I like the full page view, to remind myself that it’s a newspaper, though I mostly enlarge to read. However, while reading on an iPad Mini is much better than reading on a phone, it’s not great. I have discovered a workaround to get the current day’s paper, but that daily task should be easier. (BTW, I am a paid subscriber.)
  • Love reading the hometown paper

    By Hometown news
    Keeps me up to date of my hometown
  • Font size stuck at largest

    By ThosParb
    Updated to 6.1.4 but article text font size still stuck in largest size. I need to adjust font size in each article I read. Font size adjustment is not saved throughout the paper. The “Save” selection does not work. iPad Air Gen 3 iOS 17.6
  • Great newspaper, terrible app

    By WX ham
    The app often hangs up and fails to open. Too bad because the newspaper, itself, is great.
  • Outraged over video ads in epaper!

    By BostonUberDeb
    I can’t tell you how much I HATE the new ads peppering the epaper. I read the Globe every day and like most loyal newspaper readers today I’m a senior. The sudden inclusion of multiple moving, shaking and blinking ads in almost every article are rendering it almost unreadable. Stop it! Now!
  • Latest upgrade…

    By JF*
    Is terrible….
  • Buggy app

    By fraidnot
    Come on Boston Globe, please fix the app or at least bring back the old one. The e_paper option is often unreadable. I switched to digital when the Globe stopped delivering my subscription. I get the sense that they just don’t care.
  • Difficult to Turn Pages on iPad

    By BOSWestEnd
    Latest update has made it much more cumbersome to turn pages. The arrows that used to be on the left and right margins have been eliminated, so if the swipe-left action doesn’t work, which happens frequently, it usually takes multiple tries to flip to the next page. I’m not the only one to have this problem. Please correct this bug and issue an update.
  • What was the Globe thinking?

    By Jan on the Cape
    I used to enjoy reading the Globe epaper because it was formatted just like its regular newspaper, Not like its regular website version. This “new” version of the epaper is impossible to read. It is formatted in such a way that no matter which way I attempt to read it on my IPad, vertical or horizontal, the print is soooo SMALL that you would need a magnifying glass to do so. Also, I have noticed that in scrolling from one page to the next, one page may be connected half of another, so you are looking at 1 1/2 pages at once. Also, there didn’t seem to be any way to enlarge the print manually. Redo this app for the epaper ! It should be formatted to present the paper as a regular newspaper- showing one page at a time, and with the print large enough to read it. Disgusting! I’m going to delete this app.
  • Latest update makes the Globe app look 30 years old

    By Lousy UI
    Just updated on April 4th, 2024 and now the app just has small text headlines with tiny pictures. This is a terrible UI. What were they thinking?
