Nautik for Kubernetes

Nautik for Kubernetes

By DWRPD Software UG haftungsbeschraenkt

Score: 4.83333
From 6 Ratings


Nautik is an accessible, concurrent Kubernetes client that is native to Apple devices. Its features include: - Multi-cluster mode (viewing the resources of multiple clusters at once). - Multi-namespace mode (viewing the resources of multiple namespaces of multiple clusters at once). - Viewing built-in resources and custom resources in gorgeous native detail views. - Automatic resource watching with realtime updates. - Watching and searching logs of multiple pods and containers in one combined stream, including ANSI colors and font styles. - Attaching to running pods with the integrated terminal. - Attaching shells to both pods and nodes with the integrated terminal. - Forwarding ports of pods and services to the device's localhost, including multiplexing and robust reconnection behavior, even over app restarts. - Integrated Helm client to view, install, uninstall, upgrade and rollback Helm releases, pull charts from custom Helm repositories, and edit the configuration values of installed charts. - Editing resources as YAML source with the integrated, customizable text editor. - Deleting resources. - Cordoning and uncordoning nodes. - Evicting pods. - Restarting deployments, daemonsets, statefulsets and replicasets. - Accessing clusters stored on a local kubeconfig file. - Accessing clusters stored on the local system keychain. - Optionally syncing stored clusters between devices via iCloud Keychain. - Multiple overview dashboards powered by an internal Prometheus client. - Related events overview on resource detail views. - Related pods overview on workload detail views - Slideover, split view, Stage Manager and multi-window support. - Performant, truly native implementation in Swift and Rust. - Multi-tab support (on macOS). - Multiple app icons. - Handoff support. - Integration with Siri and Shortcuts. - Integration with Google Cloud Platform. - Integration with Amazon Web Services. - Integration with Microsoft Azure. - Integration with DigitalOcean. - Optional support for gzipped Kubernetes API requests. - Optional base64-decoding of secrets on the secrets UI. - Customizable list sorting.



  • More like a viewer, less of a true client

    By Geekplaya
    It feels like all you can do is see how things are running. In terms of interactions your options are limited. For instance, most clients let you trigger a job from a cronjob. With Nautik, I can’t seem to do that. I can only view the YAML spec or delete it. If it offered some sort of kubectl terminal that’d be a different story. But right now I feel like I can only just peruse what I’ve deployed and delete stuff.
  • Great start

    By Cleeb.
    It only released today but I’m really liking being able to see my homelab cluster in a native UI with all the features I’d expect from an app like this. Great work, I’m excited for future updates!
